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Easy Dog Trivia Quiz Questions

Free printable dog trivia quiz questions with answers


Easy Dog Trivia Questions


The dog is the most widely abundant what?
A: Carnivore.

The dog was the first species that was what?
A: Domesticated.

The dog has been selectively bred over millennia for various what?
A: Behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.

Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely attuned to human what?
A: Behavior.

A male canine is referred to as a what?
A: Dog.

A female is called a what?
A: Bitch.

The father of a litter is called the what?
A: Sire.

The mother of a litter is called the what?
A: Dam.

The process of birth is called what?
A: Whelping.

A litter refers to the multiple offspring at one birth which are called what?
A: Puppies or pups.

Canis is a Latin word meaning what?
A: Dog.

A group of any three or more adult dogs is called a what?
A: A pack.

An adult male dog capable of reproduction is called a what?
A: A stud.

Modern dog breeds show more variation in size, appearance, and behavior than any other what?
A: Domestic animal.

The closest living relative of the dog is what?
A: The gray wolf.

What was the tallest dog?
A: A Great Dane that stood 42.0 inches at the shoulder.

One of the primary functions of a dog's tail is to communicate their what?
A: Emotional state.

The smallest known adult dog was a Yorkshire Terrier, that stood how tall?
A: 2.5 inches at the shoulder.

How much did the Terrier weigh?
A: 4.0 oz.

The largest known dog was an English Mastiff which weighed how much?
A: 343 lb.

There are many household plants that are what for dogs?
A: Poisonous.