Trivia questions with answers

What was the pen-name of the Mississippi river-boat pilot who created the fictional characters of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?
A: Mark Twain.

What was the title of Tolkien's sequel to The Hobbit?
A: The Lord of the Rings.

What sort of animals did Richard Adams write about in Watership Down?
A: Rabbits.

What was the name of the Onondaga chief about whom Longfellow wrote and epic poem?
A: Hiawatha.

Which English poet became poet laureate in 1843?
A: Wordsworth.

Whose fan did Oscar Wilde write of?
A: Lady Windermere's.

Which Roman writer was famous for his Satires and Ars Poetica?
A: Horace.

Whose novels include The Aunt's Story and The Tree of Man?
A: Patrick White.

Which famous writer was prime minister at the Weimar court from 1775-85?
A: Goethe.

Which of King Lear's three daughters was murdered?
A: Cordelia.

Who wrote The Alchemist?
A: Ben Jonson.

Which of Tolkien's fantasy characters inhabit the world of Middle Earth?
A: The Hobbits.

As a creator of which type of novels was Zane Grey a pioneer?
A: Westerns.

Which magic land did C S Lewis write of?
A: Narnia.

What is a three-line, 17-syllable Japanese verse-form?
A: Haiku.

Who wrote the 1988 novel Foucault's Pendulum?
A: Umberto Eco.

Which English prime minister wrote Coningsby and Sybil?
A: Disraeli.

Whose work Parallel Lives inspired Shakespeare's Roman plays?
A: Plutarch.

Complete the Beatrix Potter book title: The Heart of...
A: Gloucester.

Which French writer won the Nobel Prize in 1947?
A: Andre Gide.

What happened one night to the central character of Kafka's Metamorphosis?
A: He turned into an insect.

Who did Jane Eyre marry after working for him?
A: Mr. Rochester.

Who wrote The Book of Nonsense?
A: Edward Lear.

Which great book was started in Bedford Jail in 1675?
A: The Pilgrim's Progress.

Which annual British literary prize has been won by Salman Rushdie, Kingsley Amis and Anita Brookner?
A: Booker Prize.

Who wrote the 18th-century novels The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle and The Adventures of Roderick Random?
A: Tobias Smollett.

Which Dickens novel was left unfinished at the time of his death?
A:  Edwin Drood.

Whose letters describe the eruption of Vesuvius and the death of his historian uncle?
A: Pliny the Younger.

Who wrote Boris Godunov?
A: Pushkin.

Who recited The Gift Outright' at President Kennedy's inauguration?
A: Robert Frost.

Which English poet was the Latin secretary to Oliver Cromwell's Council of state during the Commonwealth period?
A: John Milton.

Which phrase refers to the group of British writers that included Colin Wilson, Kingsley Amis, John Braine and Alan Sillitoe?
A: Angry Young Men.

What is the name of Don Quixote's servant in the novel by Cervantes?
A: Sancho Panza.

Which French author, the son of one of Napoleon's generals, spent 19 years exiled in Guernsey?
A: Victor Hugo.

Which title is held by the character Edmund Dantes in a novel by Alexander Dumas?
A: The Count of Monte Cristo.

Who wrote Of Human Bondage?
A: Somerset Maugham.

Who led the crew of the Argo in their search for the Golden Fleece?
A: Jason.

Who created the detective Father Brown?
A: O K Chesterton.

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