Nature Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers


Nature type trivia questions about Slugs, clouds, bees, flies, fish scales, types of dogs, thunder, precipitation, giant sequoias and more.

What earthly creature has four "noses" and 3,000 tiny teeth?
A: The slug.

A beehive produces between 100 and 200 pounds of honey a year. How much does a single worker honeybee manufacture in its lifetime?
A: 1/12 teaspoon.

How long does it take a whole fingernail to replace itself?
A: About three months. Our nails grow about .1mm (.004) inch) per day.

What is on the daily menu for an adult hippopotamus at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.?
A: About 10 pounds of kale, 3 gallons high protein cereal pellets and 1/4 bale of alfalfa hay.

How many toes does an ostrich have?
A: Four, two on each of its feet.

The best free printable nature trivia quiz questions can be found where?
A: Trivia Country!

How many eggs at a time do the most productive starfish release?
A: Up to 2.5 million.

How fast does the sound of thunder travel per second?
A: About 1,100 feet.

What creature produces sperm that are 2/3 inch long- the longest in the world?
A: Some fruit flies of the genus Drosophila. Their sperm, more than 300 times longer than human sperm, are six times longer than the fly itself--but hair-thin and all balled up.

How can you tell a fish's age?
A: From the number of growth rings on each of its scales. Each pair of rings represents a year--the dark narrow rings represents winter; the wider, lighter rings represents summer.

What animal's skin is the source of true Moroccan leather?
A: The goat.

What mammal is the only living member of its order?
A: The aardvark. Its order is Tubulidentata.

What two types of dogs were crossed to create the whippet?
A: The greyhound and the terrier.

What is the only land mammal native to New Zealand?
A: The bat.

How fast can a sailfish swim--in miles per hour?
A: More than 60 mph, faster than any other known fish. Humans have been recorded swimming up to 5.19 mph.

In the world of horses, what's a palomilla?
A: A milk-white horse with white mane an tail.

What are the only two types of mammals that are poisonous?
A: Shrews and platypuses. Some shrews have slightly poisonous bites, and male platypuses have poisonous spurs on their hind legs.

How many seeds from the giant sequoia tree-the most massive of all living things--are ther in an ounce?
A: 8,000. The seeds re 1/4 inch long. The largest giant sequoia in existence, the General Sherma, is in California's Sequoia National Park.

How many mosquito-size insects is the one-ounce brown bat--the most common bat in North America--capable of eating in an hour of nighttime dining?
A: About 500.

What from of precipitation generally falls only from cumulonimbus clouds?
A: Hail. Cumulonimbus clouds are heavy, selling, vertically developed clouds.

How wide an angle is the average person's field of vision?
A: About 200 degrees.

In what country did the French Poodle originate?
A: In Germany, where it was known as the pudel, from a word meaning "to splash in the water." In France, it's known as the caniche, which is derived from "duck dog." Its Latin name is canis familiaris aquatius.

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