Free Trivia Questions

Thousands of free trivia questions and answers on topics that include Trivia about authors

What was the title of Mac West's 1959 autobiography?
A: Goodness Had Nothing to Do With It.

How many copies did Doubleday run off the presses in its first printing of Bill Cosby's 1987 book Time Flies?
A: 1.5 million.

Complete this Biblical quotation: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than...
A: "...for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." The words are those of Jesus, from Matthew 19:24.

What is unusual about the 50,100-word novel Gatsby, written by Ernest Vincent Wright in 1937?
A: It doesn't contain a single letter "e" -- the most frequently used letter in the English alphabet.  Wright made sure he didn't use it by tying down the "e" bar on his typewriter.

What words did Lewis Carroll combine to come up with the term "chortle" in Through a Looking-Glass?
A: Chuckle and snort.

What literary animals "dined on mince, and slices of quince, which they ate with a runcible spoon"? And just what is a runcible spoon?
A: The Owl and the Pussy-Cat did the dining in the poem of the same name by Edward Lear. A runcible spoon is a three-pronged fork, that's curved like a spoon and has a cutting edge.

Who wrote, "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet"?
A: Rudyard Kipling, in "The Ballad of East and West."

Who was the subject of the 1968 biography Always on Sunday?
A: Ed Sullivan.

Where did mystery writer Agatha Christie acquire her extensive knowledge of poisons?
A: In a hospital dispensary--where she worked during World War I.

What was Truman Capote's last name before he was adopted by his stepfather?
A: Persons.

What book knocked Henry Kissinger's White house Years out of first place on the best-seller list in November 1979?
A: "Aunt Erma's Cope Book," by Erma Bombeck.

Shakespeare wrote that "brevity is the soul of wit." What did noted wit Dorothy Parker say it was?
A: "The soul of lingerie."

Puddleburg was the hometown of what cartoon character?
A: Woody Woodpecker.

"The temperature hit ninety degrees the day she arrived" was the opening line of one of the best-selling novel ever. What was it?
A: The Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann.

What is the native country of Agatha Chrisitie's detective Hercule Poirot?
A: Belgium.

What was the hometown of Sgt. Snorkel in Beetle Bailey?
A: Pork Corners, Kansas.

In the Robin Hood stories, what was the real name of Little John?
A: John Little.

Most of us are familiar with the faces of Dr. B. H. McKeeby and Nan Wood, but who are they and where have we seen them?
A: The farmer and his wife in Grant Wood's classic painting, American Gothic.

The Last Of The Really Great Whangdoodles and Mandy are children's books written by what well-known Oscar-winning actress?
A: Julie Andrews.

By what pseudonym is writer Frederick Dannay Manfred Bennington Lee better known?
A: Ellery Queen.

Why did 70-year-old Miguel Ramirez sue writer Ernest Hemingway?
A: The Cuban fisherman claimed Hemingway stole his story, the Pulitzer Prize-winning 'The Old Man and the Sea. The suit was thrown out.

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