Old Movie Trivia Quiz Questions


In The Pawnbroker, who played the pawnbroker?
A:  Rod Stiger

How many best director Oscars did Alfred Hitchcock win?
A:  None

What was the first Carry On film?
A:  Carry on Sergeant

Who was the female lead in "The Shootist"?
A:  Lauren Bacall

Old Movie Trivia Quiz Questions With Answers can be found where?
A:  Trivia Country

In the famous Disney film Sleeping Beauty,  who are Flora Fauna and Merryweather?
A:  Fairy Godmothers

In 1955, who won the best actor award for playing the part of Marty?
A: Ernest Borgnine

Charlie Chaplain had his first speaking part in 1940 in what movie?
A: The Great Dictator

What movie was a California movie theater showing when it caught on fire?
A:  The Towering Inferno

John Wayne called the film "High Noon " what?
A: "The most un-American thing ever"

 What was John Hustons first film?
A: The Maltese Falcon

What 70s movie received the most Oscars?
A:  Cabaret in 1972

Which four letter word appears in more film titles than any other word?
A:  Love

The first film to have its sequel released in the same year was what?
A:  King Kong. Sequel was Son of Kong

What was the name of Humphrey Bogart's first wife?
A:  Helen Mencken

In three 70s films Richard Roundtree played what detective?
A:  John Shaft

Lee Marvin won the best actor Oscar for what 1965 film?
A: Cat Ballou

In which Hitchcock movie did the heroine find a shrunken head in bed?
A:  Under Capricorn

Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, and Lana Turner  all had what in common?
A:  8 marriages

A mountain is the symbol of what film company?
A:  Paramount

What is Jane Fonda's middle name?
A:  Seymour

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