Free Printable Old Music Trivia Quiz Questions
Music trivia quiz questions about the Tennessee Waltz, Vanilla Ice, Barry Manilow, advertising jingles, Peggy Sue and more.
What gold-plated 33-rpm record did the Apollo astronauts leave behind on the moon?
A: Camelot--a favorite of President John F. Kennedy.
What popular performer was named best female singer of the year a
record 21 times by Down Beat magazine?
A: Ella Fitzgerald.
Who sang advertising jingles for McDonald's, Pepsi, Chevrolet,
Kentucky Fried Chicken and others before making it big on the music
A: Singer-composer Barry Manilow.
How many Beatles songs were at the top of the Billboard Hot 100
singles list in early April 1964?
A: An unprecedented and never duplicated five. From NO.1 to No.5
they were: "Can't Buy Me Love," "Twist and Shout," "She Loves You."
"I Want to Hold Your Hand," and "Please Please Me."<>p>
What did Buddy Holly originally call "Peggy Sue," the rock 'n'
roll classic he recorded with the Crickets in 1957?
A: "Cindy Lou." Holly renamed it at the urging of Crickets drummer
Jerry Allison, whose girlfriend's name was Peggy Sue.
What modern musical instrument is based on the medieval sackbut?
A: The trombone.
What popular singer was heard on the first multi-track vocal--on
a recording that was billed as a duet?
A: Patti Page, in 1951. The song was "The Tennessee Waltz."
Who wrote the title song for the 1973 James Bond film Live and
Let Die?
A: Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney.
How much did a piano cost in the 1900 Sears, Roebuck and Company
A: It cost $98--FOB Chicago.
Carole King's song "The Loco-Motion" was made into a hit record
in 1962 by her maid. Who was she?
A: Little Eva--Eva Narcissus Boyd.
What did opera great Luciano Pavarotti do for a living before he
became a professional tenor?
A: He taught in an elementary school and then sold
insurance--because he found teaching too hard on his vocal cords.
Who is the famous clarinetist who performs with the New Orleans
Funeral and Jazz Band?
A: Woody Allen.
How long was the train on pianist-showman Liberace's 175-pound
Norwegian blue shadow fox coat?
A: 16 feet. The coat is on display at the Liberace Museum in Las
What jazz great was known by the nicknames Dippermouth and
A: Louis Armstrong--who is better known as Satchmo, a shortened
version of Satchelmouth.
In disc jockey slang, what is a lunar rotation?
A: An infrequently played record.
In the world of music, adagio is a direction to play slowly. What
do the terms adagietto and adagissomo mean?
A: Adagietto is a direction to play slightly faster than adagio;
adagissomo, to play very slowly.
What did Aretha Franklin wear on her head when she sang "Funny
Girl" at the Academy Awards ceremony in 1969?
A: Antlers.
What popular recording star's real name is Robert Van Winkle?
A: Vanilla Ice's.
What musical masterpiece commemorates a battle fought at a place
called Borodino?
A: Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture." Borodino is a village 70 miles
west of Moscow. The battle was between Napoleon's troops and the
Russian Army.