Cocktails, Drinks, And Beverages Trivia - Quiz Questions And Answers
Other than water, what is the most consumed beverage?
A: Tea
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, was whose advertising slogan?
A: Alka Seltzer
What flavors the liquor chambord?
A: Raspberries
The Munich beer festival is held during what month?
A: October
Caipirina means someone's drink , but whose drink?
A: A Peasants
There is banana, crème de menthe, and what in a Horney
A: Baileys
In February 1990, 160 million bottles of what were recalled
Perrier for what reason?
A: They were contaminated with benzene
What whisky brand was advertised with two terrier dogs?
A: Black & White
What is a Romeo's Rouser?
A: Ale
What was the name of the brand of the first sour mash
whiskey, made in 1835?
A: Old Crow
What is absinthe traditionally flavored with?
A: Wormwood
What soft drink began in Morison's drug store, in Waco
Texas, in 1885?
A: Dr Pepper
What fruit is used to flavor Southern Comfort?
A: Peach
What US state drinks the most alcohol per person?
A: Nevada
In their lifetime, the average Britain consumes 14,571
A: Pints of beer
Pulque is a beer made from what?
A: Cactus
Cuffs and Buttons was a cocktail in the 19th century, but
what is it now?
A: Southern Comfort
In brewing what do the initials OG stand for?
A: Original Gravity
Which company makes Olympia beer?
A: Miller
What is Calvados?
A: Apple Brandy
What are the ingredients of a Grasshopper?
A: Crème de Menthe, Crème de Cacao, and light cream
A Romana Café features what liqueur?
A: Sambuca
In China, if you order white tea what do you get?
A: Boiled Water
What cocktail is made with white cream de menthe and
A: Stinger
Champagne is made with what variety of grapes?
A: Chardonnay
What German word is printed on the labels of high quality
A: Kabinett
What flavoring is in frangelico liqueur?
A: Hazelnuts
Triple sec and lime make what cocktail?
A: Margarita
Llamas milk is what color?
A: Yellow
According to Samuel Johnson what is the drink for heroes?
A: Brandy
Who makes Miller Lite beer?
A: Philip Morris