Idiotic Stupid Trivia Quiz Questions 

The U.S. had 5% world population and 70% of the worlds what?
A:  Lawyers

From 1300 to 1500 it was against the law for Englishmen to have  what?
A:  3 meals a day

In Somalia it's against the law to carry old chewing gum where?
A:  Stuck on your nose

It's illegal to shoot a buffalo from a hotel second story in which state?
A: Texas

Who has the best idiotic stupid trivia quiz questions with answers?
A:  Trivia Country!

In Connecticut to be legal a pickle must do what?
A:  Bounce

Taliban women are required by law to wear what on their left arms?
A:  Tattoo of husband's name

In West Virginia it's against the law to snooze where?
A:  On a train

In Alaska it is against the law to look at a moose from where?
A:  Window of any aircraft

What was the profession of Paul Robeson, the singer of old man river?
A:  Lawyer

According to Saudi Arabian law, women can get a divorce if their husband doesn't give her  what?
A: Coffee

It's against the law for a barber to advertise prices in which state?
A:  Georgia

In which city is it illegal to have a nude shop dummy on display?
A:  New York

In Merryville Missouri  it's against the law for woman to wear what?
A:  Corsets

In Virginia,  it's against the law for a man to do what to his wife?
A:  Pat her Derriere

What was made illegal in England in 1439?
A:  Kissing

Where in the United States do you not have to pay taxes?
A:  An Indian Reservation

In Omaha Nebraska it's against the law for a barber to shave what?
A:  A man's chest

In Czarist Russia it was illegal to do what?
A:  Smoke

What common form of transport was banned by law in Bermuda until 1948?
A:  Motor Cars

In New York, what is it illegal to pawn?
A:  American flag

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