Trivia questions about music with the answers.

Which Which Baroque composer wrote The Four Seasons?
A: Vivaldi.

How many valves does a trumpet have?
A: Three.

Of what kind of dance did Johann Strauss become 'King' in the late 19th century?
A: Waltz.

Which female singing voice lies between soprano and contralto?
A: Mezzo-soprano.

Who was the youngest Beatle?
A: George Harrison.

Who had a 1966 hit with 'Good Vibrations'?
A: The Beach Boys.

To what section of the orchestra do the bassoon and clarinet belong?
A: Woodwind.

How is singer Paul Hewson better known?
A: Bono Box.

What are performed at La Scala, Milan and at the auditorium in Covent Garden, London?
A: Operas.

What were the surnames of Thomas and Arthur who collaborated to write 'the Savoy operas'?
A: Gilbert and Sullivan.

Which instrument has 47 strings and seven pedals, and was introduced into the orchestra in the 19th century?
A: Concert Harp.

Which instrument is a keyboard reed-organ, powered by foot pedals and used in American churches during the 1800s?
A: Harmonium.

Who wrote the music for West Side Story?
A: Leonard Bernstein.

Who wrote the Brandenburg Concertos?
A: J S Bach.

Which instrument's name translates literally as 'soft loud'?
A: Pianoforte.

Which composer wrote 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 35 violin sonatas and more than 50 symphonies?
A: Mozart.

What was Madonna's first hit?
A: Like a Virgin.

Which jazz trumpeter recorded the albums Bitches' brew and Birth of the Cool?
A: Miles Davis.

What nationality was the composer Jean Sibelius?
A: Finnish.

Which play by the French dramatist de Beaumarchais did Rossini turn into and opera?
A: The Barber of Seville.

Which country home and opera house hosts an annual summer festival established by John Christie in 1934?
A: Glyndebourne.

Which instrument do you associate with John William, Julian Bream and Andres Segovia?
A: Philip Glass.

Which was Richard Wagner's last opera?
A: Parsifal.

Which useful musical device was invented by Johann Maeizel in 1814?
A: Metronome.

Which composer's works are known by K-numbers?
A: Mozart.

Which guitar maker produced the Stratocaster?
A: Fender.

Which instrument is a pocket-sized reed-0organ invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1829?
A: Harmonica.

On which instrument was Franz Liszt an inspired performer?
A: Piano.

Which conductor said 'The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes'?
A: Thomas Beecham.

What are the 5-note pentatonic, the 6-note whole-tone, the 7-note diatonic and the 13-note chromatic?
A: Scales.

What did Ceil Sharp collect?
A: Folk songs and dances.

Which jazz musician was known as Yardbird, or Bird?
A: Charlie Parker.

What is the name for the annual summer series of concerts held at the Royal Albert hall, London, in which the audience originally walked about?
A: The Proms / promenade concerts.

Who wrote Porgy and Bess?
A: George Gershwin.

Who wrote Italian and Scottish symphonies?
A: Mendelssohn.

Which symphony did Dvorak write during his time as director of the National Conservatory in New York?
A: The 'New World' symphony.

What kind of songs did Charles Wesley write?
A: Hymns.

Disc jockey Alan Freed popularized and helped to name which type of music form 1951?
A: Rock and Roll.


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