Hillary Clinton Trivia
In 1965, where did Hillary enroll?
A: Wellesley College.
At Wellesley, what did she major in?
A: Political science.
During her freshman year, she served as
president of the what?
A: Wellesley Young Republicans.
During her junior year, Hillary became a
supporter of what antiwar presidential
A: Eugene McCarthy.
A: The Wellesley College Government Association.
After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Hillary organized a two-day what?
A: Student strike.
She also worked with Wellesley's black students to do what?
A: Recruit more black students and faculty.
Some of her fellow students thought she might become the first female what?
A: President of the United States.
Where did Professor Alan Schechter assign Hillary to intern at?
A: The House Republican Conference.
New York Republican Representative Charles Goodell invited Hillary to help whose campaign?
A: Governor Nelson Rockefeller.
In 1969, she graduated with what degree?
A: Bachelor of Arts.
Hillary became the first student in Wellesley College history to speak at what event?
A: Commencement.
Rodham’s speech received a standing ovation lasting how long?
A: Seven minutes.
That summer, she worked her way across Alaska doing what?
A: Washing dishes and sliming salmon in a fish processing cannery in Valdez.
Why did the cannery in Valdez fire Hillary?
A: She complained about unhealthful conditions.
Where did Hillary enter law school?
A: Yale Law School.
Where did she serve on the editorial board?
A: The Yale Review of Law and Social Action.
Where did she work during her second year?
A: At the Yale Child Study Center.
Where did she take on cases of child abuse?
A: At Yale–New Haven Hospital.
Where did Rodham volunteer to provide free legal advice for the poor?
A: New Haven Legal Services.
In the summer of 1970 what was she awarded?
A: A grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project.
What did she do at the project?
A: She researched migrant workers' problems in housing, sanitation, health and education.
What did Edelman later become?
A: A significant mentor.
When did she begin dating Bill Clinton?
A: In the late spring of 1971.