Mythology Trivia Quiz
What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology?
A: Pegasus.
Which English outlaw is said to have lived in Sherwood Forest during
the reign of Richard I.
A: Robin Hood.
Which mountain in Thessaly did the ancient Greeks believe to be home
of the gods?
A: Olympus.
What are magic bullets?
A: Carefully targeted drugs.
In which much-told legend does a magician sell his soul to the Devil?
A: Faust.
Which handsome god was killed by a twig of mistletoe in Norse
A: Balder.
Who wrote the Arthurian romance Le Morte d'Arthur?
A: Thomas Malory.
Who were the heroes who accompanied Jason in his search for the
Golden Fleece?
A: The Argonauts.
Who, in Hindu mythology, is the wife of Siva and the goddess of death
and destruction?
A: Kali.
In which city is the statue of Hans Christian Andersen's 'Little
A: Copenhagen.
What was the Greek hero Achilles' only vulnerable part?
A: His heel.
The Pilgrim's Way can be traced for most of its length between which
two cities in Britain?
A: Winchester and Canterbury.
Which poem tells of a sailor cursed for shooting an albatross?
A: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
What was the Holy Grail sought by the Knights of King Arthur?
A: The cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper.
What was left as a consolation inside Pandora's box?
A: Hope.
Which British writer, noted for a series of novels dealing with black
magi and occultism, also wrote Murder off Miami?
A: Dennis Wheatley.
Who was the mythical Greek hunter after whom a constellation is
A: Orion.
What is the collective name for the three goddesses Clotho, Lachesis
and Atropos who controlled human destiny according to the ancient
A: The Fates.
Which tiny boy, immortalized by the Grimm brothers, later lent his
name to a circus performer?
A: Tom Thumb.
Who was the Roman god of war?
A: Mars.
In which fairy tale do two children find a cottage made of
A: Hansel and Gretel.
Which sign of the zodiac is represented by the scales of justice?
A: LIbra.
What was the fable3d city of gold that some 16th century Europeans
believed existed in South America?
A: El Dorado.
What was the name of the 'river of hate' that flowed round the
A: River Styx.
Which British occultist designed a tarot pack that bears his name?
A: Aleister Crowley.
Which month is named after the Roman god who has two faces, one
looking forwards and one back?
A: January.
Who is the Chinese and Japanese mother goddess, whose attributes are
compassion and mercy, and who is a form of the bodhisattva
A: Kawannon / Kwanyin.
What date is Halloween?
A: October 31.
What is the name for an undead corpse that sleeps by day and sucks
the blood of the living by night?
A: Vampire.
What did Daedalus construct for King Minos so that he could keep the
Minotaur there?
A: Labyrinth.
What would be your zodiac sign if you were born on New Year's Day?
A: Capricorn.
Which mythical monster has the body, tail and hind legs of a lion,
and the head, forelegs and wings of an eagle?
A: Griffin.
Which Cornish village is said to be the birthplace of King Arthur?
A: Tintagel.
Who in Greek mythology was seduced by Zeus disguised as a swan?
A: Leda.
How many cards are there in a tarot pack?
A: 78.
What was the name of Zeus's shield?
A: Aegis.