Free Medical Trivia Quiz Questions With Answers
Fun Trivia questions and answers - Medical Surgical Medicine Disease.
How many miles of blood vessels are there in the average human
A: About 62,000.
How many fat cells does the average adult have?
A: Between 40 and 50 billion.
What is the skin that peels off after a bad sunburn?
A: Blype.
What is a perfusionist's role in a hospital operating room?
A: Running the hear-lung machine during open-hear surgery. The
machine keeps the patient's hear pumping while it removes carbon
dioxide from the blood and adds oxygen to it.
Where is the best place to find medical trivia quiz questions?
A: Trivia Country!
There are two atria in the human body--where are they?
A: In the heart. They are the two upper chambers (auricles) that
receive the blood from the veins and pump it into the two lower
chambers (ventricles).
What do the letters CAT represent in CAT scan--the three
dimensional composite image that can be taken of the body, brain or
A: Computerized axial tomography.
What system of healing did Canadian-born grocer Daniel David
Palmer formally introduce in Davenport, Iowa, in September 1895?
A: Chiropractic medicine. Although new at the time, the principles
upon which chiropractic medicine was based can be traced back to the
earliest physicians--including Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.). Palmer
created the name "chiropractic" by combining the Greek words for
hand, cheir, and practical fo(or efficient). praktikos.
What does the acronym DSB mean to a hospital worker?
A: Drug-seeking behavior. The designation is used for a patient or
wannabe patient who is complaining of a bogus ailment in an attempt
to get narcotics.
Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?
A: No. No two sets of prints are alike, including those of identical
What is the name of the protein--the most abundant in the human
body--that holds our skin together?
A: Collagen.
How much saliva does the average human produce daily?
A: One quart.
How many muscles are there in the human ear?
A: Six.
What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell in the normal
human body?
A: Four months.
How many bones are there in the human hand?
A: 27.
What is N2O--nitrous oxide--more commonly called?
A: Laughing gas.
What physical symptom is exhibited by those who suffer from
A: Uncontrollable winking.
How many true vocal cords does a normal person have?
A: Two. They are called true (or inferior) vocal cords and are
involved in the production of sound. We also have a pair of
false (or superior) vocal cords that have no direct role in
producing the voice.
Where on the human face is there a muscle known as the corrugator?
A: On the forehead. It's the muscle that contract the forehead into
wrinkles and pulls the eyebrows together.
What part of the human body has the thinnest skin?
A: The eyelid--it's less than 1/100 inch thick.
How many bones are there in your big toe?
A: Fourteen, the same as in your other toes.
How many teeth are there in our first se to teeth--our baby
A: Twenty. Our second set has 32.
For what operation was Antonio de Egas Moniz of Portugal awarded
the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1949?
A: The now-discredited prefrontal lobotomy.