Famous People Trivia Quiz Questions


The Shoe was a nickname for which jockey?
A: Bill Shoemaker.

Al Fatah was co-founded in 1957 by which Palestinian?
 A: Yasser Arafat.

Which US President once said, "I know I'm getting better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators?"
 A: Gerald Ford.

Which golfer Nick Faldo. announced he was leaving his wife and three children for whom in 1996?
 A: Brenna Cepalak

Argentina was led through most of the 1990s by whom?
 A: Carlos Menem.

Standard Oil was founded by what famous businessman?
 A: John D. Rockefeller.

What country was Paul Keating a controversial Prime Minister of?
 A: Australia.

What relation was Henry Ford II to Henry Ford?
 A: Grandson.

Graca Machel married Which world leader in 1998?
 A: Nelson Mandela.

Carlos Leon, a fitness trainer, is the father of what singer's child?
 A: Madonna.

What was the profession of President Jean Bertrand Aristide of Haiti?
 A: Priest.

Earl Spencer's acrimonious divorce settlement was heard in what country?
 A: South Africa.

Which Korean War leader Douglas MacArthur, famous Korean War leader,  was a native of what state?
 A: Arkansas.

What was Frank Sinatra's last wife's name?
A: Barbara.

Who was deposed by Idi Amin in 1971?
 A: Milton Obote.

Mohammed Al-Fayed, owner of Harrods department store in London, was born in what North African country?
A: Egypt.

In what country is Aung San Suu Kyi a controversial leader?
A: Myanmar.

Tony Blair was  the last Prime Minister of the 20th century in what country?
A: Great Britain

Yves St. Laurent was born Henri Donat Mathieu in what North African country?
A: Algeria.

After heading the KGB for 15 years, which Yuri was president of the USSR for two years?
A: Andropov.

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