Easy Beer Trivia  Questions


What is beer?
A: Beer is the world's oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink.

Beer is the third most popular drink after what?
A: Water and tea.

What is the production of beer called?
A: Brewing.

Most beer is flavored with what?
A: Hops.

Hops add what to the taste of beer?
A: Bitterness.

Hops also act as a natural what?
A: Preservative.

Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to what?
A: The production and distribution of beer.

The Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and what?
A: Beer parlors.

The Hymn to Ninkasi was a prayer to the Mesopotamian goddess of what?
A: Beer.

It served as both a prayer and as a what?
A: A method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people.

Beer is sold in what types of containers?
A: Bottles and cans.

In pubs and bars it may also be available how?
A: On draught.

The brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several what?
A: Dominant multinational companies.

The strength of beer is usually around what percentage of alcohol by volume?
A: 4% to 6%.

Approximately 5000 years ago, how were workers in the city of Uruk (modern day Iraq) paid by their employers?
A: In beer.

How far back in time was Beer spread through Europe by Germanic and Celtic tribes?
A: As far back as 3000 BC.

As of 2006, how much beer is sold per year worldwide?
A: More than 35 billion gallons.

In many societies, beer is what?
A: The most popular alcoholic drink.

How do beer sales compare to wine sales?
A: Sales of beer are four times those of wine.

What is Lager?
A: Lager is cool fermented beer.

What are the most commonly consumed beers in the world?
A: Pale lagers.