Free Printable Trivia Quiz Questions

Manya Sklodowska was better known as who?
A:  Madam Curie

What was the Amati family famous for making?
A:  Violins

What phobia did Adolph Hitler have?
A:  Claustrophobia

In London, 1915, what became illegal  and subject to a £ 100 fine?
A:  Buying a round of drinks

What was the first English town to have electric street lighting?
A: Goldaming in Surrey

Siberia used solid blocks of what as money in the 18th century?
A:  Tea

During the Middle Ages having what tiny animals in the house was good luck?
A:  Ants

Checkpoint Charlie was named after what?
A: "C" Charlie in the phonetic alphabet

Who has the best free printable trivia quiz questions with answers?
A:  Trivia Country!

Who was the first person to space walk?
A:  Aleksei  Leanov

Wat did a Chinese eunuch invent in the second century?
A:  Paper

Which Greek philosopher wrote "The Republic and The Laws"?
A:  Plato

Kenneth Daigneau won $ 100 for naming what new food product?
A:  Spam

What was the name of the first theatre play in Spain?
A: La Celestina

What nationality was the first man to die in a plane crash?
A:  French – Orville Wrights passenger

In World war II,  what was the German codename for the invasion of Russia?
A:  Barberossa

What was the name of Mary Quant's shop that led the 1960s fashion revolution?
A:  Bazaar

What were Alexander the Great 's last words?
A: I am Dying with the help of too many Physicians

On crossing the Rubicon, who said "The die is cast"?
A: Julius Caesar

What artist painted the Water Lilly Pond in 1899?
A: Claude Monet

Evening Star no 92220 was name of the last what, built by British Railways?
A:  Steam Locomotive

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