Trivia Quiz Questions About Donald Trump
Starting in March 2011, Donald publicly questioned Barack Obama's what?
A: Citizenship and eligibility to serve as
When Donald was asked in 2015 if Obama was born
in the U S, what did Trump say?
A: He said he did not want to discuss it
In February 2011, where did Donald make his
first speaking appearance?
A: At the Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC).
In 2013, Trump spent over $1 million to research
A: A possible run for president of the United
A: Ronald Reagan.
By 1987, Trump identified with what party?
A: Republican.
In 1999, Trump switched to what party for three years?
A: The Reform Party.
From 2001 to 2008 what party did Trump affiliate himself with?
A: Democratic.
In 2008, who did Trump endorse for President?
A: Republican John McCain.
In 2009, Donald officially changed his party registration to what?
A: Republican.
In December 2011, Donald became an Independent for five months before what?
A: Returning to the Republican Party.
After 2011, Donald Trump’s campaign contributions were more favorable to which party?
A: Republicans.
Who did Donald Trump endorse for president in February 2012?
A: Republican Mitt Romney.
According to a New York state report, Trump circumvented what limits in the 1980s?
A: Corporate and personal campaign donation.
Trump describes himself as "pro-life" and generally opposes abortion with what exceptions?
A: Rape, incest, and circumstances endangering the health of the mother.
What is Trump’s position on "traditional marriage"?
A: Trump has stated that he supports it.
What is Trump’s position on legalizing marijuana?
A: He opposes legalizing recreational marijuana, but favors legalizing medical marijuana.
What is Donald’s position on capital punishment?
A: Trump favors capital punishment.
How has Trump referred to climate change?
A: He rejects the scientific consensus on climate change repeatedly contending that global warming is a "hoax.
Donald Trump once repeated a National Enquirer allegation that Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz, may have what?
A: Been involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
On June 16, 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for what?
A: President of the United States.
Due in part to his fame, Donald's run for president received an unprecedented amount of what?
A: Media attention.
What was Donald’s 2016 campaign slogan?
A: Make America Great Again.
In August, who did Donald Trump appoint as his campaign CEO?
A: Steve Bannon.
Donald entered a large field of candidates against how many other Republicans campaigning for the nomination?
A: 16.
Of the twelve republican debates, how many did Donald participate in?
A: Eleven.
By early 2016, the race had mostly centered on Donald Trump and whom?
A: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.
With nearly 14 million votes, Trump broke what Republican Party record?
A: The all-time record for winning the most primary votes.
On July 15, 2016, who did Donald announce as his running mate?
A: Indiana Governor Mike Pence.
On September 26, 2016, where did Trump and Clinton face off in the first presidential debate?
A: At Hofstra University.
Who was the moderator for the first Clinton - Trump debate?
A: Lester Holt, an anchor with NBC News.
It was the was the most watched presidential debate in what?
A: United States history.
Where was the second 2016 presidential debate held?
A: Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri.
On November 8, 2016, Trump won the presidency with how many electoral votes?
A: 306 electoral votes to 232 received by Clinton.
Donald Trump became the fourth U.S. candidate to win the Electoral College despite what?
A: Receiving fewer popular votes than his opponent.
On November 10, President-elect Trump had a first meeting with President Obama to discuss what?
A: Plans for a peaceful transition of power.
Who took over Trump's transition team from Chris Christie on November 11, 2016?
A: Vice President-elect Mike Pence.
Who did Trump nominate as his chief of staff?
A: Reince Priebus.
What businessman and media executive did he nominate as his Counselor to the President?
A: Steve Bannon.