Fidel Castro Trivia Quiz

Who Was Fidel Castro?
A: He was a Cuban politician and revolutionary who governed the Republic of Cuba.

He governed Cuba from 1959 to 1976 as what?
A: Prime Minister.

What was his title from 1976 to 2008?
A: President.

Fidel also served as the First Secretary of what?
A: The Communist Party of Cuba.

He served as the First Secretary over what period of time?
A: From 1961 until 2011.

Under his administration, Cuba became what kind of state?
A: one-party socialist state.

What happened to industry and businesses?
A: They were nationalized.

Where were state socialist reforms implemented?
A: Throughout society.

On what date was Fidel Castro born?
A: On August 13, 1926 out of wedlock.

Where was Fidel born?
A: At his father's farm.

Who was Fidel Castro’s father?
A: His father was Ángel Castro y Argiz.

He was a migrant to Cuba from where?
A: Galicia, Northwest Spain.

Ángel Castro had become financially successful by doing what?
A: Growing sugar cane at Las Manacas farm in Birán, Oriente Province.

After the collapse of Ángel’s first marriage, he took his household servant, as what?
A: His mistress.

What was her name?
A: Lina Ruz González.

Later she became his what?
A: Second wife.

How many children did they have?
A: Seven.

At age six, Fidel was sent to live with whom?
A: His teacher in Santiago de Cuba.

How old was Fidel when he was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church?
A: Eight.

Being baptized enabled Castro to do what?
A: Attend the La Salle boarding school in Santiago.

Why was Fidel sent to the privately funded, Jesuit-run Dolores School in Santiago?
A: Because of his misbehavior.

In 1945 he transferred to where?
A: The more prestigious Jesuit-run El Colegio de Belén in Havana.

Although Castro took an interest in history, geography and debating at Belén, he did not what?
A: Excel academically.

In 1945, Where did Fidel began studying law?
A: At the University of Havana.