Easy Planet Saturn Trivia Questions


What is Saturn?
A: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System.

What kind of planet is Saturn?
A: It’s a gas giant.

What is it’s radius compared to Earth?
A: Its radius is about nine times that of Earth.

What is it’s density compared to Earth?
A: It has one-eighth the average density of Earth.

It has a larger volume than earth so Saturn is how much more massive than Earth?
A: 95 times.

What is Saturn named after?
A: The Roman god of agriculture.

Its astronomical symbol (♄) represents what?
A: The god's sickle.

Saturn's interior is probably composed of what?
A: A core of iron–nickel and rock (silicon and oxygen compounds).

Why does Saturn have a pale yellow hue?
A: It’s due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.

Electrical current within the metallic hydrogen layer is thought to give rise to what?
A: Saturn's planetary magnetic field.

Saturn's magnetic field strength is around one-twentieth of what other planet’s?
A: Jupiter's.

Wind speeds on Saturn can reach what speed?
A: 1,800 km/h (500 m/s).

Saturn has a prominent ring system that consists of how many continuous main rings?
A: Nine.

Saturn also has three discontinuous arcs and that is composed mostly of what?
A: Ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust.

How many moons are known to orbit Saturn?
A: Sixty-two.

Of the Sixty-two moons, how many are officially named
A: Fifty three.

This does not include the hundreds of moonlets comprising what?
A: The rings.

Titan, What is Saturn's largest moon?
A: Titan.

Titan is larger than what planet?
A: Mercury.

Titan is the only moon in the Solar System to have a substantial what?
A: Atmosphere.