Miscellaneous Famous People Trivia Questions
Instead of saying "I do"
what did Michael Jackson when he married Lisa
Marie Presley?
A: Why not?
When he married 23-year-old
Joan Crawford, how old was Douglas Fairbanks?
A: 19.
What Russian leader imposed
a reign of terror during the 1930s and 1940s?
A: Stalin.
In the 60s what British
royal dedicated an acre of ground in memory of
President Kennedy
A: Queen Elizabeth II.
What web site has the best miscellaneous famous people trivia quiz questions with answers?
A: Trivia Country!
"The rest of my life will
be devoted to women and litigation?" was a
statement by what famous film star?
A: Errol Flynn.
What cathedral in Sydney
did Michael Hutchence's funeral take place?
A: St. Andrew's.
Who became chief designer
at Givenchy in 1996?
A: Alexander McQueen.
How many times had Jane
Fonda been Oscar nominated by 1999?
A: Seven.
Which kidnap victim was
involved in a bank robbery and was seen
brandishing a gun during the holdup?
A: Patty Hearst.
Who was the only US
President to get stuck in the White House bath
tub because he was so fat?
A: William Howard Taft.
Who were Ken and Barbie
named after?
A: The kids of their creators.
Green Bay Packers gave what
TV comedy star a trial?
A: Bill Cosby
How old would John Lennon
have been at the start of the year 2,000 if he
had not been shot?
A: 59.
Don Everly was whose famous
singer father-in-law?
A: Axle Rose's.
Who was the designer of the
dress which made the most money at Diana's dress
A: Victor Edelstein.
What famous singer once
said: "I'd rather have a cup of tea than go to
bed with someone any day?"
A: Boy George.
Who seized power in Libya
in the 60s?
A: Gadaffi.
Al Capone offered a reward
of $10,000 when who was kidnapped?
A: Lindbergh baby.
Luciano Pavarotti launched
what type of product named after him?
A: a perfume for men.
Which US President said, "I
did not have sexual relations with that woman"?
A: Bill Clinton.