Beverages, Drinks, and Cocktails - Trivia Questions With Answers
In Welsh what is Cwrw (pronounced koo roo)?
A: Beer
What is a negus ?
A: Port Lemon hot sweet spiced
After California what American state produces the most
A: New York
Benedictine was designed as a cure for what?
A: Malaria
What was the first company to sell cola in cans?
A: RC Cola
Which countries wine might be labeled DOCG?
A: Italy
What country is Red Stripe lager produced in?
A: Jamaica
Australia's Barossa valley is known for what?
A: Wine production
Dows Ginger Ale in 1861 was the first to be old in a what?
A: Bottle
Which kind of animal is the symbol of Bacardi ?
A: A Bat
What does Mit Hefe on a German beer bottle mean?
A: With Yeast
Which famous whiskeys name means short underskirt?
A: Cutty Sark
Kloster beer is brewed in what country?
A: Thailand
Cherries are used to flavor what kind of beer?
A: Kriek Belgian beer
What Canadian company makes V.O. and Pedigree whiskeys?
A: Seagram's
What in Egypt is Masbout , in Armenia Sourg , and in Japan
A: Coffee
The people of which country drink the most milk per capita?
A: Iceland
What flavor is framboise liqueur?
A: Raspberry
Whisky and Drambuie are mixed to form what cocktail?
A: Rusty Nail
In Asia, what is Kumiss made from?
A: Fermented Cow's Milk
A Mai Tai is a cocktail literally but what does "Mai Tai"
mean in Tahitian?
A: Out of the World
In Europe, what used to be called Arabian wine?
A: Coffee
The word alcohol comes from the Arabic word "Al Kohl"
meaning what?
A: The Essence
Who is the Patron Saint of brewers?
A: Saint Nicholas
What does Vodka literally mean?
A: Little Water
In the US, what is the most popular Mexican beer?
A: Corona
Which product is consumed the most in California?
A: Bottled Water
What flavor is kirshwasser liqueur?
A: Cherry
What is made by the crush tear curl process?
A: Tea
What American state drinks the most beer?
A: California
Kummel liqueur is prepared from cumin and what?
A: caraway seeds
In Hawaiian it's Pia, in Polish it's Piwo, in Hungarian
it's Sor , so what is it in English?
A: Beer
In the United States there are over 800 brands of what for
A: Bottled Water
In Bourbon Mississippi , restaurants by law must served
what with each glass of water?
A: One small onion
The liquor Curacao is flavored with what type of fruit?
A: Orange