Space Shuttle Trivia  Questions

What was the space shuttle?
A: The Space Shuttle was a partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system operated by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as part of the Space Shuttle program.

The first of four orbital test flights occurred in what year?
A: 1981.

When did operational flights begin?
A: In 1982.

How many complete Shuttle systems were built and used?
A: Five.

How many total space shuttle missions were there?
A: 135.

Operational missions launched numerous satellites, interplanetary probes, and what famous telescope?
A: The Hubble Space Telescope (HST).

The Shuttle fleet's total mission time was long in days, hours, minutes and seconds?
A: 1322 days, 19 hours, 21 minutes and 23 seconds.

Besides the shuttle itself, what other components were needed?
A: A pair of recoverable solid rocket boosters (SRBs), and the expendable external tank (ET) containing liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

How was the shuttle launched?
A: Vertically, like a conventional rocket.

The SRBs were jettisoned before the vehicle reached what?
A: Orbit.

When was the ET jettisoned?
A: Just before orbit insertion.

At the conclusion of the mission, the orbiter fired its OMS to do what?
A: De-orbit and re-enter the atmosphere.

The orbiter then glided as a spaceplane to what kind of landing?
A: A runway landing.

Where did the shuttle, usually land?
A: At the Shuttle Landing Facility of KSC or Rogers Dry Lake in Edwards Air Force Base, California.

After landing at Edwards, the orbiter was flown back to the KSC on what?
A: The Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, a specially modified Boeing 747.

What was the name of the first orbiter?
A: Enterprise.

When was the Enterprise built?
A: In 1976 for use in Approach and Landing Tests and it had no orbital capability.

What were the names of the first four fully operational orbiters?
A: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis.

Of these, how many were lost in mission accidents?
A: Two, Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003.

How may astronauts were killed?
A: Fourteen.

What was the name of the fifth operational orbiter?
A: Endeavour.

When was the Endeavour built?
A: In 1991 to replace Challenger.

The Space Shuttle was retired from service upon the conclusion of what shuttles’ final mission?
A: Atlantis's final flight on July 21, 2011.