Food Trivia Questions
Fun Trivia questions and answers - Food related topics.
Food trivia questions about pizza, Post Toasties, Dominio's pizza, Mexican food, citrus fruit, weight watchers, the popsicle, and more!
A: DomiNick's.
What European nation consumes more spicy Mexican food than any
A: Norway.
What is the literal meaning of the Italian word Linguine?
A: "Little tongues."
What food product, marketed as Elijah's Manna in 1904, was
renamed because of objections from the clergy?
A: Post Toasties cereal.
What name is shared by a citrus fruit and the citizens of an
African capital?
A: Tangerine (Tangiers is the summer capital of Morocco.)
What is Bombay duck?
A: Dried, salted fish. It's both a snack and a flavoring used in
Indian cooking.
What popular treat did 11-year-old Frank Epperson accidentally
invent in 1905 and patent in 1924?
A: The Popsicle, which he originally marketed as the Epsicle.
Epperson inadvertently made th3 first one when he left a glass of
lemonade with a spoon in it on a windowsill--and it froze overnight.
Where did the pineapple plant originate?
A: In South America. It didn't reach Hawaii until the early
nineteenth century.
What was margarine called when it was first marketed in England?
A: Butterine.
What American city lead all others in per capita
consumption of pizza in 1990?
A: Milwaukee.
How much did Weight watchers founder Jean Nidetch weigh in 1963
when she came up with the concept that helped her shed pounds and
make a fortune.
A: 214 pounds. A year later, she weighed 142.
What are the two top selling spices in the world?
A: Pepper is the top seller; mustard is second.
Under U.S. government regulations, what percentage of peanut
butter has to be peanuts?
A: 90 percent.
Drupes are a regular part of the American diet. What are they?
A: Simple succulent, usually single-pitted fruit--such as plums,
apricots, peaches, cherries, almonds and olives.
What is the essential ingredient in a dish that's prepared a la
DuBarry in honor of King LouisXV's mistress?
A: Cauliflower.
Under federal food labeling regulations, how much caffeine must
be removed from coffee for it to be called decaffeinated?
A: 97 percent.
How many quarts of whole milk does it take t make one pound of
A: Almost 10--9.86 to be exact.
What shortbread cookie is named for the heroine of a
nineteenth-century English novel?
A: The Lorna Doone. The novel Lorna Doone, by R. D. Blakmore, was
published in 1869.
How much did Americans spend on pizzas in 1988?
A: $20 billion, according to the National Association of Pizza
Christmas is the biggest candy-selling season in the U.S. What
holiday ranks second?
A: Easter--which surpasses Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and
How much money did American Airlines claim it saved in 1987 by
eliminating one olive from each of the salads served in first class?
A: $40,000.
What is the hamburger we know as the Big Mac called in Russia?
A: The Bolshoi Mak--bolshoi means "big" in Russian.
What was the name of the breakfast cereal Cheerios when it was
first marketed 50 years ago?
A: Cherrioats. The name was changed the following year at the urging
of the folks at Quaker Oats.