Easy Trivia Questions
A: The United States Army (USA) is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces.
What type of operations does the army perform?
A: It performs land-based military operations.
It is one of how many uniformed services of the United States?
A: Seven.
As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army where does it have its roots?
A: It has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed on June 14, 1775.
Why was the Army formed?
A: To fight the American Revolutionary War.
After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the
Confederation created the United States Army on
3 June 1784, to replace what?
A: The disbanded Continental Army.
As a uniformed military service, the Army is
part of what department?
A: The Department of the Army.
The Department of the Army is one of how many of
the military departments of the Department of
A: One of the three military departments.
The U.S. Army is headed by what?
A: A civilian senior appointed civil servant,
the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY), and by a
chief military officer, the Chief of Staff of
the Army (CSA) who is also a member of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
What was the combined-component strength of the
U.S. Army?
A: It was 990,000 soldiers.
As a branch of the armed forces, the mission of
the U.S. Army is to what?
A: To fight and win our Nation's wars, by
providing prompt, sustained, land dominance,
across the full range of military operations and
the spectrum of conflict, in support of
combatant commanders.
The service participates in conflicts worldwide
and is the major what?
A: Ground-based offensive and defensive force.
The army was initially led by men who had served
A: In the British Army or colonial militias.
As the Revolutionary War progressed what
influenced the new army?
A: French aid, resources, and military thinking.
A number of European soldiers came on their own
to help, such as whom?
A: Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, who taught the
army Prussian tactics and organizational skills.
After the war, though, the Continental Army was
quickly what?
A: Given land certificates and disbanded.
Why was the army disbanded so quickly?
A: It was a reflection of the republican
distrust of standing armies.
State militias became the new nation's what?
A: Sole ground army, with the exception of a
regiment to guard the Western Frontier and one
battery of artillery guarding West Point's
Due to conflict with Native Americans, it was
realized that it would be necessary to do what?
A: Field a trained standing army.
After General St. Clair's defeat at the Battle
of the Wabash, the Regular Army was reorganized
as what?
A: The Legion of the United States, which was
established in 179.
When was the Army renamed the "United States
A: In 1796.
In the year 2017, the projected strength for the
Regular Army was how many soldiers?
A: 460,000.
How many soldiers did the Army National Guard
A: 335,000 soldiers.
How many soldiers did the United States Army
Reserve have?
A: 195,000 soldiers.