Trivia questions about random famous people
Who was the third wife of
millionaire Andrew Lloyd Webber?
A: Madeleine Gurdon.
General Thomas Jackson was
given what nickname because of his stern defense
at the battle of Bull Run?
A: Stonewall.
Who Samuel Johnson was the
most famous of English what?
A: lexicographers.
Samuel Johnson, an
18th-century dictionary compiler, described
himself as What ?
A: A harmless drudge.
What site would you look on to find famous people trivia quiz questions?
A: Trivia Country!
In 1961, who was the first
man to be launched into space?
A: Yuri Gagarin.
Which country was Salvador
Allende elected president of in 1970?
A: Chile.
Who was the first
democratically elected President of Syria?
A: Hafez al Assad.
General Tom Thumb joined
what at the age of five in 1843?
A: P T Barnum circus.
Who did Hosni Mubarak
succeed as President of Egypt?
A: Anwar Sadat.
Orson Welles was how old
when he made Citizen Kane?
A: 25.
Veronica Lake starred
opposite who in the film "The Blue Dahlia"?
A: Alan Ladd.
American Greg Louganis was
the first ever person to retain an Olympic title
for what?
A: springboard diving.
What was Arthur Ash the
first man to win in 1968?
A: the first men's US Tennis Open.
Adlai Stevenson ran
unsuccessfully for what office in both 1952 and
A: For the US presidency.
In 55 BC who visited
Britain for the first time?
A: Julius Caesar.
In 1966, who was it that
said 'We are more popular than Jesus now'?
A: John Lennon.
Who began manufacturing
cars at Northfield, Birmingham in 1905?
A: Herbert Austin.
Marco Polo served Which
Venetian explorer?
A: The emperor Kublai Khan.
Chuck Berry first urged who
to 'roll over' in 1956?
A: Beethoven.
Nelson Mandela and F W de
Klerk shared what in 1993?
A: Nobel Peace Prize.