Hard Dog Trivia  Questions


Dogs are able to thrive on what kind of diet that would be inadequate for other canid species?
A: A starch-rich diet.

The term "domestic dog" is generally used for both domesticated and what?
A: Feral varieties.

Where does the English word dog come from?
A: Middle English dogge, from Old English docga.

In 14th-century England, what was the general word for all domestic canines?
A: hound (from Old English: hund).

The archaeological record shows dog remains buried beside humans how many years ago?
A: 14,700 years ago.

A study suggested that dogs can see the earth's what?
A: Magnetic field.

The coats of domestic dogs are of what two varieties?
A: "double" made up of a coarse guard hair and a soft down hair, or "single", with the topcoat only.

In 2013, a study found that mixed breeds live on average how much longer than pure breeds?
A: 1.2 years longer.

The study also found that increasing body-weight was negatively correlated with what?
A: Longevity.

What breed had the shortest lifespan?
A: Dogue de Bordeaux.

What is the median longevity for a Dogue de Bordeaux?
A: About 5.2 years.

Miniature Bull Terriers, Bloodhounds, and Irish Wolfhounds have how long of a median longevity?
A: 6 to 7 years.

The longest-lived breeds have median longevities of how long?
A: 14 to 15 years.

How long after conception does fertilization occur?
A: 2-5 days.

What happens 14–16 days later?
A: The embryo attaches to the uterus.

What is detectable after 22–23 days?
A: The heart beat.

Dogs bear their litters roughly how many days after fertilization?
A: 58 to 68 days.

Some dog breeds have acquired traits through selective breeding that interfere with what?
A: Reproduction.

Male French Bulldogs, for instance, are incapable of doing what?
A: Mounting the female.

For many dogs of this breed, the female must be what?
A: Artificially inseminated in order to reproduce.