Old TV Show Trivia - Questions With Answers
Diane Belmont became famous using what name?
A: Lucille Ball
Where was the TV series Rin Tin Tin set?
A: Fort Apache - Arizona
The Central Perk Café appears in which TV series?
A: Friends
In MASH, what character planted the vegetable garden?
A: Father Mulcahy
In Bewitched who was the witch doctor that treats Samantha?
A: Doctor Bombay
What TV show first appeared on December 17th, 1989?
A: The Simpsons – Episode 1 in the U.S.A.
In Tom and Jerry, whose original name was Jasper ?
A: Tom
The Bar Restaurant in the TV show Quincy is called what?
A: Danny's
Sixty four percent of American teenagers have a what in
their bedroom?
A: Television
According to psychologists, the happiest people watch what
kind of TV show?
A: Soap Operas
Who is Jennifer Anniston's famous Godfather?
A: Telly Savalas
What was the working title of the TV series Dallas?
A: Houston
What TV show family lives at 742 Evergreen Terrace?
A: The Simpson's
On the Munsters show, what was Lillie's maiden name?
A: Lilly Dracula
Victor Buono played what Batman villain in the original
A: King Tut
Sergeant Bosco appeared in which TV show?
A: The A Team
Troy McClure appears in which cartoon series?
A: The Simpsons
In 1962, what was the first 90 minute TV series?
A: The Virginian
What was the name of Zorro's horse?
A: Phantom
Where does the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer take place?
A: Sunnydale