Food Trivia Questions and Answers

What candy was created for Ronald Regan?
A:  Blueberry Jelly Babies

What dish in Indian cookery literally translates to "red Juice"?
A:  Rogan Josh

What color are the flowers of the curry plant?
A:  Yellow

The British consume twice as much what per capita as the United States?
A: Baked Beans

How many spices are mixed together to create allspice?
A:  None it’s a single spice

Where did paella get its name?
A:  From a cooking pan

Cansonsei pasta comes in the shape of what?
A: Little Britches

In food labeling, what does GM mean?
A:  Genetically Modified

What food item was still legal tender in East Germany until 1990?
A:  Sausages

Why are birthday cakes round?
A: Because of Ancient Greek traditions

Americans eat the most ice cream per capita, but what country comes in second?
A:  New Zealand

In cooking, six drops equal one what?
A:  Dash

What food is the most consumed in America?
A:  Milk and Cream

What does ricotta literally mean?
A:  Twice cooked

Chocolate crisp was introduced in 1935 and was renamed in 1937 to what?
A:  Kit Kat

What are Nonpariel, Mission, Caramel ,Neplus and Peerless types of ?
A:  Almonds

The FDA regards how many Fruit fly maggots per 3oz can of canned mushrooms acceptable?
A:  5

Average Americans eat where 1,811 times in their lives?
A: MacDonald's

In each bag of M& Ms, what is the most prevalent color?
A:  Brown - 30%

Liberty cabbage is another name for what?
A:  Sauerkraut

What was eaten on the Island of Jerba in Greek legend?
A:  Lotuses

Other than eggs, what is the main ingredient  used in an omelette in a Hangtown Fry?
A:  Oysters

To cover garlicky breath, what do Italians often eat? ?
A: A Coffee Bean

Garlic and Chives belong to which plant family?
A:  Lilly

What is the biggest holiday in America for candy sales?
A:  Halloween

What is a Texas Ruby Red?
A:  A Grapefruit

What foot item has been collected for over 3,600?
A: Truffles

Pennsylvania's main agricultural export is what?
A: Mushrooms

Banon, mimolette and samosoe are types of what?
A: Cheese

The average American consumes 9lbs of what every year?
A:  Food Additives

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