International Food Trivia Questions
Wakame, Tengusa, and Mozuku are Japanese types of what?
A: Edible seaweed
What are corzetti pasta shaped like?
A: Coins
Cob nutz are the fruit of what type of tree?
A: Hazel
In airline slang, what is a 365?
A: Eggs and Bacon served any time or day
How many types of mushrooms are there in the world?
A: About 2 million
According to a survey what is Americans favorite smell?
A: Bananas
Melba sauce is made from what fruit?
A: Raspberries
What is a Malus Pumila?
A: An apple
In what country is Gulyas soup is a delicacy?
A: Hungary
Which American city is a slang name for a pineapple?
A: Chicago
Half of all Americans are on what on any particular day?
A: A special Diet
In Russia, what is Soldatsky?
A: Bread
What causes Rickets?
A: The lack of calcium in the diet
Almonds are members of what general family?
A: Peach
Peanut Butter is sometimes known as what?
A: Goober Grease
What are the two most commonly sold items in stores?
A: Sodas and Breakfast Cereals
What type of soup is a dubarry?
A: Cream of cauliflower
Marsala desert wine is a normal ingredient of what?
A: Zabaglione
Mushrooms are virtually sodium and what free?
A: fat
Myrastica fragrens is more commonly known as what spice?
A: Nutmeg
What does cooked "en brochette" mean?
A: Cooked on a skewer
If a dish is served "Florentine" it contains what food
A: Spinach
What is the main ingredient of a moussaka?
A: Aubergines
The White House has 13,092 of what?
A: Knives forks and spoons
What herb did Greeks and Romans regard as a symbol of
A: Tansy
What does it mean when a dish is served "pomontier "?
A: It contains Potatoes
What do Pythagoras, Hitler, GB Shaw and Henry Thoreau have
in common?
A: All were Vegetarians
In Italy what is a "Zuppa Inglese"?
A: Desert
How much can Truffles cost?
A: $400 an ounce
What is the national cheese of Norway ?
A: Gjetost
In Japan, Itamae have what job?
A: Chef - In Front of cutting board
Eighty percent of restaurant goers don’t eat what ?
A: Dessert