Sports Trivia Quiz Questions
Free printable sports trivia questions and answers concerning topics such as little league baseball, the Olympics, baseball, basketball,
What is the distance between bases on a little league baseball
A: 60 feet.
What college once had 22 members of the Phi Beta Kappa honor
society on its football team?
A: Dartmouth, in 1925.
What was the first sport in which women were invited to compete
at the Olympics?
A: Tennis, at the 1900 games in Paris. Charlotte Cooper of Great
Britain was the first gold medalist.
Who has the best sports trivia quiz questions and answers?
A: Trivia Country!
What sport was the first to be filmed---and who filmed it?
A: The sport was boxing; the man who did the filming, Thomas A.
Edison; the year, 1894. Edison filmed a boxing match between Jack
Cushing and Mike Leonard in a studio on the grounds of his
laboratory complex in West Orange, New Jersey.
How many home runs did baseball great Ty Cobb hit in the three
world series in which he played?
A: None.
In cross-country bike racing, what do the initials BMX represent?
A: Bicycle moto x (cross).
Under what name did Dr. Joshua Pim of Great Britain enter and win
the Wimbledon tennis tournament in 1893?
A: Mr. X. Because he feared that revealing his true identity would
hurt his medical practice, Pim entered under the mystery name.
In 1939, what famous American athlete starred on UCLA's
undefeated football team and was the top scorer in the Pacific Coast
Conference for Basketball?
A: Jackie Robinson, who later gained national fame playing
professional baseball. At UCLA, he earned letters in baseball,
basketball, football and track.
What popular sport did Joe Sobek invent at the Greenwich,
Connecticut, MCA in 1950?
A: Racquetball. Sobek designed a "strung paddle racquet" and
handle, and combined the rules of squash and handball, to create the
game he called "paddle rackets."
Who was the first Olympic gold medalist to win a professional
world boxing title?
A: Floyd Patterson, who won the Olympic gold medal as a middleweight
in 19+52, and the world championship as a heavyweight in 1956.
What sports activity was originally known in England as
A: Waterskiing. The first recorded mention of the sport in
England was in 1914.
Which was the first sport to have its top players named to an
All-American team?
A: Football, in 1889. The idea originated with famed football
authority Walter Camp, who picked 36 All-American teams until his
death in 1925.
What was golfing great Ben Hogan's famous reply when he was asked
how to improve one's game?
A: "Hit the ball closer to the hole."
How many world records did swimmer Mark Spitz set when he won
seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics?
A: Seven--one in each of the races in which he competed.
After retiring as a player, with what team did baseball great
Babe Ruth spend one year as a coach?
A: The Brooklyn Dodgers in 1938.
In what year's Olympics were electric timing devices and a
public-address system used for the first time?
A: In 1912, in Stockholm.
What is the maximum weight permitted for calves in rodeo
calf-roping competition?
A: 350 pounds. The minimum is 200 pounds.