Free phrases and words trivia questions and answers.

Language, phrase, and word  trivia questions and answers.

What do the lowercase initials U.S. stand for in England?
A: Useless. The initials, originally used in the army, are derived from the word unserviceable.

What does the word yoga mean in Sanskirt?
A: Union.

In postal circles, ZIP is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan. What do the same letters mean to psychologists?  How about bankers?
A: To psychologists, ZIP means Zero Intelligence Potential--or a person of low intelligence; to bankers, Zero Interest Payment.

What is the English translation of the Olympic motto, Citius--Altlius--Fortius?
A: Faster--Higher--Stronger.

What is pogonology the study of?
A: Beards.

What is a nightjar?
A: A nocturnal bird common to Europe and Asia. It's also known as a goatsucker.

What does the acronym LION stand for at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?
A: Lunar International Observer Network.

What is a Nilometer?
A: A gauge devised by the ancient Egyptians to measure the water level of the Nile during flood time.

On what part of the body would a man wear a gibus?
A: On his head-- it's a collapsible opera hat named for its inventor, Antoine Gibus, a nineteenth-centruy Parisian hat-maker.

What is a callithump?
A: A noisy, boisterous serenade or parade.

In the days when last names were linked to a person's trade, what was the occupation of someone named Travers?
A: Toll bridge collector.

What is philematology?
A: The science of kissing.

What is the definition of the word manumission?
A: The liberation of a slave from bondage; emancipation.

What would you do if you found a sign written in Latin that said "Cave Canem"?
A: You would "beware of the dog."

How did Christmas become Xmas?
A: X is the Greek letter chi, the first letter of Christ's name written in Greek. It has been a symbol for Christ since the Middle Ages.

Where did the word vamp--meaning seductress--originate?
A: With Theda Bara's arousing performance in the film The Vampire.

In political slang, what does it mean if you call a candidate drab?
A: Doesn't rock any boats.

How did the phrase "cold shoulder" come to mean a polite snub?
A: In medieval France a guest who had overstayed his welcome was served a cold shoulder of beef or mutton rather than a hot meal.

What is garbo slang for in Australia?
A: "Garbageman"

What do the initials o.g. man to a stamp collector?
A: "Original gum"--which indicates that the gum that was on the back of a stamp when it was first issued is still there.

What is the literal meaning of the word Eskimo?
A: "Eaters of raw flesh." It's an Algonquin word, one the Eskimos themselves don't use. They call themselves Inuit, which means "The People."

What is a pulicologist's area of expertise?
A: Fleas.

How many letters are there in the Hawaiian alphabet?
A: 12---A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P and W.

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