Easy Planet Trivia Questions
Which planet from the sun is Jupiter?
A: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.
In size, how does Jupiter compare with the other
A: It’s the largest planet in the Solar System.
It is a giant planet with a mass one-thousandth
that of what?
A: The Sun.
Jupiter’s mass is two and a half times that of
A: All the other planets in the Solar System
What kind of planet is Jupiter?
A: It’s is a gas giant.
What was Jupiter named after?
A: The Roman god Jupiter.
When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can reach an
apparent magnitude of what?
A: −2.94, bright enough for its reflected light
to cast shadows.
On average, how bright is Jupiter compared to
other objects in the night sky?
A: It’s third-brightest after the moon and
Jupiter is primarily composed of what?
A: Hydrogen.
What gas makes up one quarter of its mass?
A: Helium.
Jupiter may have what kind of core?
A: A rocky core of heavier elements.
Jupiter lacks a well-defined solid what?
A: Surface.
Because of its rapid rotation, the planet's
shape is that of a what?
A: An oblate spheroid (it has a slight but
noticeable bulge around the equator).
The outer atmosphere is visibly segregated into
A: Several bands at different latitudes.
What occurs along their interacting boundaries?
A: Turbulence and storms
A prominent result is the Great what?
A: Red Spot, a giant storm that has existed
since at least the 17th century when it was
first spotted by telescope.
Surrounding Jupiter is a faint what?
A: Planetary ring system.
A powerful “what” surrounds the planet?
A: Magnetosphere.
How many moons does Jupiter have?
A: At least 67.
This includes the four large Galilean moons
discovered by whom in 1610?
A: Galileo Galilei.
Ganymede, the largest of these, has a diameter
greater than what planet?
A: Mercury.
Jupiter has been explored on several occasions
by what?
A: Robotic spacecraft.
What space craft have visited Jupiter?
A: The Pioneer and Voyager flyby missions and
later by the Galileo orbiter.
In late February 2007, Jupiter was visited by
A: The New Horizons probe.
The New horizons probe used Jupiter's gravity to
A: Increase its speed and bend its trajectory en
route to Pluto.
What is the latest probe to visit the planet?
A: Juno, which entered into orbit around Jupiter
on July 4, 2016.