Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

  1. Before becoming George Bush's Secretary of Defense, what was Dick Cheney's position?
    A. congressman from Wyoming
    B. governor of New Hampshire
    C. secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan

  2. Ronald Reagan did not nominate which of these Supreme Court justices?
    A. Antonin Scalia
    B. William Rehnquist
    C. Sandra Day O'Conner

  3. Which of the following presidents faces is not carved into granite along with George Washington's at Mount Rushmore National Memorial?
    A. Andrew Jackson
    B. Thomas Jefferson
    C. Theodore Roosevelt
    D. Abraham Lincoln

  4. What future president wrote an autobiography in 1965 titled Where's the Rest of Me?
    A. Gerald Ford
    B. Richard Nixon
    C. Jimmy Carter
    D. Ronald Reagan

  5. How many of the first 40 presidents of the United States were not yet 50 years old when they were first sworn in?
    A. 4
    B. 6
    C. 13

  6. "Dewey Defeats Truman" , an erroneous 1948 headline, was printed on the front page of what newspaper?
    A. Chicago Tribune
    B. New York Times
    C. San Francisco Chronicle
    D. Washington Post

  7. George Washington is called the father of our country, but how many kids did Mr. Washington really have?
    A. 0
    B. 1
    D. 7 

  8. Of these four U.S. presidents served his term, which one served his term first?
    A. James Polk
    B. Millard Fillmore
    C. John Tyler
    D. Zachary Taylor

  9. What breed was the dog mentioned in Vice President Richard Nixon's "Checker" speech?
    A. Dalmatian
    B. cocker spaniel
    C. beagle
    D. Scottie

  10. In the 1988 U.S. presidential election what percentage of eligible voters voted?
    A. 30%
    B. 50%
    C. 60%

  11. Who was the only vice president of the United States born in California?
    A. Gerald Ford
    B. Richard Nixon
    C. Harry Truman
    D. Henry Wallace 

  12. Donald Regan wrote a controversial book about his days as Ronald Regan's Treasury Secretary and Chief of Staff.  What was the title of the book?
    A. Astrology Anyone
    B. For the Record
    C. Off the Record

  13. This president was the only U.S. president to actively lead troops while in office. What was his name?
    A. George Washington
    B. Thomas Jefferson
    C. James Madison
    D. Andrew Jackson

  14. The Baby Ruth candy bar was named for a U.S. president's daughter Ruth. Who was Ruth's father?
    A. Grover Cleveland
    B. Calvin Coolidge
    C. Herbert Hoover
    D. William Howard Taft

  15. Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
    A. Illinois
    B. Indiana
    C. Kentucky

  16. After a year in office which of the following presidents had the highest approval rating?
    A. George Bush
    B. Jimmy Carter
    C. Richard Nixon
    D. Ronald Reagan

  17. What president was the first to live in the White House?
    A. George Washington
    B. John Adams
    C. Thomas Jefferson
    D. James Madison

  18. Who was the first president to appoint a Hispanic to the cabinet?
    A. George Bush
    B. Jimmy Carter
    C. Ronald Reagan
    D. Theodore Roosevelt

  19. How many summit conferences did Ronald Reagan have with Mikhail Gorbachev during his eight years in office?
    B. 5
    C. 8

  20. Where was George Bush born?
    A. Main
    B. Massachusetts
    C. Florida
    D. Texas


  1. A. congressman from Wyoming
  2. B. William Rehnquist
  3. A. Andrew Jackson
  4. D. Ronald Reagan
  5. B. 6
  6. A. Chicago Tribune
  7. A. 0
  8. C. John Tyler
  9. B. cocker spaniel
  10. B. 50%
  11. B. Richard Nixon
  12. B. For the Record
  13. C. James Madison
  14. A. Grover Cleveland
  15. C. Kentucky
  16. A. George Bush
  17. B. John Adams
  18. A. George Bush
  19. B. 5
  20. B. Massachusetts