Trivia Quiz questions about History - Wars Battles Military Leaders and More
- Which country first tried unsuccessfully to build the Panama Canal?
- Which family ruled Florence for three centuries from 1434?
- Who were the Celtic-speaking peoples living in France and Belgium
during Roman times?
- Which king of England had a mother and a son who were both beheaded?
- Which battle of 1746 ended the Jacobite revolution?
- What Soviet "man of steel" was educated for the priesthood but was
expelled from the seminary?
- In which year did Brunei gain independence fro Britain?
- What country sold land including the present-day states of Louisiana,
Arkansas, and Oklahoma to the USA in 1803?
- Which British monarch married Anne of Denmark?
- In which year did Dublin's Easter Rising take place?
- Which US president was shot five days after the end of the American
Civil War?
- In which battle did Harold II, the last Saxon king, lose his life?
- "What was the name of the Austrian-born dictator who succeeded
Hindenburg as Germany's head of state?
- Who was the black educationist who was born a slave but became a
leader in the search for civil rights in the early 1900s?
- Which French revolutionary was nicknamed "the Incorruptible"?
- Where did Florence Nightingale establish a hospital to treat
casualties of the Crimean War?
- Which rebellion was effectively ended by the Battle of Culloden?
- What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World, now
in ruins?
- Who was the first president of independent Kenya?|
- Who proclaimed the People's Republic of China in 1949?
- Which country was ruled by the Romanov dynasty 1613-1917?
- Which country's liberalization program was halted by the invasion of
600,000 Soviet troops in 1968?
- Which Axis Power changed sides during World War II, declaring war on
Germany in October 1943?
- Who was the first democratically elected Marxist head of state?
- What was the name of the basalt slab that became the key for
deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?
- What title did Charlemagne, already king of the Franks, acquire in
- In which industrial process was the inventor Joseph Arkwright
responsible for an important breakthrough in 1768?
- What is the name of the British political regime 1649-60 established
by Oliver Cromwell?
- Which wife of Henry VIII had already married twice before she became
queen, and married for a fourth time after Henry's death?
- What was the name of the last battle of the Wars of the Roses, fought
in 1485?
- Who was the prime minister of South Africa who was assassinated in
- Which 17th-century king of Sweden was known as the "Lion of the
Answers to Quiz #69 - Historical Trivia Answers
- France.
- Medici.
- Gauls.
- James I.
- Culloden.
- Joseph Stalin.
- 1984.
- France.
- James I.
- 1816.
- Abraham Lincoln.
- Battle of Hastings.
- Adolf Hitler.
- Booker T. Washington.
- Robespierre.
- Scutari.
- Jacobite rebellion.
- Jamestown.
- Jomo Kenyatta.
- Mao Zedong.
- Russia.
- Czechoslovakia.
- Italy.
- Salvador Allende.
- Rosetta Stone.
- Holy Roman Emperor.
- Spinning Cotton.
- The Commonwealth.
- Catherine Parr.
- Battle of Bosworth.
- Hendrik Verwoerd.
- Gustavus Adolphus.